Contingent upon SACSCOC approval, UNC Charlotte will offer a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering tentatively beginning with the Fall 2019 class. This will become the University’s 24th doctoral program. The new degree will provide doctoral-level education for students seeking civil engineering careers in practice, research and teaching/academia. Because UNC Charlotte is a leader in urban research, the program will support students conducting research with unique centers and facilities, including the U.S. Department of Transportation-funded Center for Advanced Multimodal Mobility Solutions and Education (CAMMSE); the National Science Foundation-funded Center for Sustainably Integrated Building and Sites (SIBS); the Infrastructure, Design, Environment and Sustainability (IDEAS) center; the Infrastructure Security and Emergency Responder Research and Training (ISERRT) Facility; and the Center for Transportation Policy Studies. To learn more, read the entire article on Inside UNC Charlotte.